How to Remove Press on Nails With Glue or Jelly Glue?
Step 1: Supplies
You will need a bowl or container, olive oil, hand soap, water, a nail file or buffer, and cotton balls or pads.
Step 2: Mix
Fill the bowl or container with warm water and add a few drops of hand soap. Swirl the water to mix the soap.
Step 3: Soak
Soak your nails in the soapy water for 10-15 minutes. This will soften the glue and make it easier to remove the press-on nails.
Step 4: Loosen
After soaking, use a cuticle pusher (easier) or fingers to gently loosen the press-on from your natural nails after you have soaked the nails for 5mins.
Step 5: Remove
Once soaked and loosened for 10-15mins, simply peel the press-ons off your natural nails.
At this stage, it is also recommended that you remove any residual glue or sticky tabs on the press-ons before storing.
Step 6: Dry
Using a paper towel or cloth, gently dry the press on nails and store them in the Bloomie nail kit for future use.
**If the press-on nails do not come off easily, repeat steps 3-4 until they are completely removed**
Find more tips on press-on nails at